The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) on Thursday confirmed that it conducted 128 Covid-19 tests on the players, support staff, match officials, broadcasters and team owners involved in the Pakistan Super League (PSL) on March 17 and all results have turned out to be negative.
Additionally, Multan Sultans underwent 17 coronavirus tests on Monday which were also negative.
Meanwhile, all the 25 remaining foreign players, support staff and match officials have already departed for their respective destinations.
PCB Chief Executive Wasim Khan said: "It was absolutely critical for the integrity and credibility of the HBL Pakistan Super League and the Pakistan Cricket Board that all players, support personnel, broadcasters and match officials, those who had decided to stay back till the end of the tournament, tested negative for Covid-19."
"The PCB will continue to put in place precautionary measures to better safeguard the health of its employees," he added.
The PCB on Tuesday postponed the PSL and said that the remaining knockout stages matches and the final will be rescheduled.
The decision came hours before the commencement of the first semi-final between Multan Sultans and Peshawar Zalmi.
(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)