Renowned child rights activist Kailash Satyarthi's daughter Asmita on Friday said that her father won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize, which was real recognition for what he has been doing from past 30-35 years.
Expressing delight over her father's achievement, she said that the family is very surprised and is still digesting that he has got such a big recognition.
"We were involved in his NGO since childhood and we call it a social movement. My father left his career and started this; he first worked against bonded labour and then worked to release the children. He made child labor an issue which was not earlier known in the world. Today he has got real recognition for what he has been doing from past 30-35 years," said Asmita.
Meanwhile, the children in the national capital also praised Satyarthi's work.
"It is due to the efforts of the person who got the award that children are studying and they don't have to work. It is good that he got the award," said eight-year-old Vikas Kumar, who lives in an impoverished neighbourhood of the national capital.
"The person who got the award works for children's rights. Those who kidnap children should be given stringent punishment," added another child Muni Raj.
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Earlier today, Satyarthi, who leads the Bachpan Bachao Andolan, and Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai were jointly awarded the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize for "their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education".
This is the first time that an Indian and Pakistani have shared the Nobel Peace Prize.