Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Thursday said that with a growing global demand for organic food, North Eastern states will benefit from development of commercial organic farming.
He also announced some major initiatives for North Eastern states and the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana while presenting the General Budget for 2014-15 in Lok Sabha today.
In his maiden budget speech Jaitley said, Rupees 100 crore is being provided for development of organic farming in North Eastern states in the current financial year. With a growing global demand for organic food, North Eastern states will benefit from development of commercial organic farming, the minister added.
The Finance Minister proposed a sum of Rs.1000 crore for development of rail connectivity in the North Eastern Region over and above the amount provided for in the interim budget.
"In order to provide a strong platform to rich cultural and linguistic identity of the North-East, a new 24x7 channel called "ArunPrabha" will be launched for the expression of cultural identity and for creating greater awareness of the richness of the diversity of our country," said Jaitley.
Jaitley also announced that his government is committed to addressing the issues relating to development of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in the AP Re-organization Act, 2014. Provision has been made by various Ministries/Departments to fulfil the obligation of Union Government for both the states.
Earlier today, Jaitley presented his maiden General Budget for the year 2014-15 with the permission of Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan at 11 a.m.