MIT researchers have recently developed a new computer that encompasses different abilities of processing information so that technology and humans can make better use of each other.
These new systems will recognize patterns and humans will introduce those patters, this way people will be able to make the decision making process better and faster.
The system learns to make judgments by crunching data but distills what it learns into simple examples. In experiments, human subjects using the system were more than 20 percent better at classification tasks than those using a similar system based on existing algorithms.
Julie Shah, an assistant professor of aeronautics and astronautics at MIT said that in this experiment, they are looking at whether they could supplement a machine-learning technique so that it supported people in performing recognition-primed decision-making or not.
She further added that the situation or pattern could be anything, for instance she mentioned a fire crew matching current scenario with their previous experience, and then they will get the idea of trying out new ways to eliminate previous mistakes.
Shah and her colleagues were trying to augment a type of machine learning known as "unsupervised.