The Delhi High Court on Friday sought a response from Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung and the Ministry of Home Affairs on a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) which alleges that the government has 'maliciously misdirected themselves' to cut the number of vehicles on road instead of enforcing pollution control rules.
The next hearing for the matter has been scheduled on March 30.
The PIL, filed by an NGO 'Campaign for People Participation in Development Planning' says the government 'failed' to enforce provisions penalizing for driving a polluting vehicle.
The petition also said that the rise in vehicle- generated air pollution in Delhi was due to "non-enforcement and non-implementation" of the 1988 Motor Vehicle Act, which prescribes punishment for driving a polluting vehicle.
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Government on Thursday announced the second phase of the Odd-Even scheme of vehicle rationing from April 15 to 30.