Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Monday, said the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has backed the various flagship programmes initiated by the Centre and that it is working to fulfil Prime Minister Narendra Modi's aim for the nation.
"ONGC gave 300 crore for social welfare and helped build toilets in government schools. By Dec 17 of 2017, 5000 young men will be joined with a yearly apprenticeship. ONGC is helping link the best technology with India. ONGC is the first PSU to create a 'Start-Up fund' of Rs 100 Crore," he said.
Pradhan further stressed on the work done by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in the past three years and spoke of the projects the government is ready to undertake.
"It is the birth anniversary of Deen Dyal Upadhyay and hence the opening of the Urja centre. More important is the opportunity for the electricity board to lighten up the houses of the people and provide them with electricity. A lot has been done to help the common man in the past 3 years. Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, Deen Dyal Gram Yuti Yojana, Ujjaala LED Bulb Yojana has helped people," said Pradhan
Pradhan further said that it is because of Prime Minister Modi that targets aimed for the betterment of the nation are being achieved timely.
"It is because of the PM that the work is being done and implemented on time. We were given the responsibility of connecting gases to 5 crore homes and we have already installed 3 crore in 17 months," he said.
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