Actor Pallavi Joshi, who had recently quit as a member of the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) Society in support of the students who have been on a strike for 105 days, visited the campus on Wednesday to interact with the students and said that there would be no breakthrough in the impasse between the students and government unless Gajendra Chauhan stepped down as the institute's president.
"Nobody wants to be on the losing side. If the ministry takes one step back by removing Chauhan, the students will also take one step back and accept other society members," Joshi said.
The actor also enquired about the deteriorating health of the students, who have been on a hunger strike for the last two weeks.
Joshi stated that she was firmly against the treatment meted out to the students by the government and added that instead of making the renowned institute proud with their achievements, they are being forced to fight for their basic rights.
"It is sad that even after 105 days of strike, there is no conclusion. I'm not saying the students are 100 percent correct, but they deserve a proper dialogue. The I&B Ministry has been adamant in their stand and are not willing to listen to what students have to say," she said.