The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday blamed the opposition for creating an unwarranted ruckus in Parliament and said the latter has no constructive argument to present to the Centre on the demonetisation drive.
BJP leader Shrikant Sharma dubbed the political parties protesting against demonetisation as confused and said that if the opposition had any facts against the currency swap they would have presented it by now.
"The reality is that the opposition itself does not want a debate as its leaders are not ready, everyday they are coming up with new issues, whereas, in real, they don't have any facts with which they can oppose us. People are supporting the demonetisation drive," said Sharma.
"The opposition is confused; they just want to stall Parliament. Had the opposition parties possessed any constructive clauses against the banning of high denomination notes, they would have put them forth by now," he added.
Proceedings in Parliament were adjourned on Thursday for the seventh consecutive day over the demonetisation issue, as the opposition was consistent in its demand that Prime Minister Narendra Modi should be present when the debate on it is in process.