Bollywood's veteran actress Shabana Azmi, who is known to voice an honest opinion on matters, has taken a dig at item numbers in Bollywood and especially targeting Kareena Kapoor Khan's raunchy item number from 'Dabangg 2.'
Spotted at the launch of the 'Women of worth' campaign, Shabana said, "I have reservations against item numbers. That's because I think if a top most heroine is singing 'I am tandoori murgi, swallow me down with alcohol', it's not a laughing matter. It's a serious issue".
"One person wrote the song, a few more got it made but it was watched by crores of people. They also saw their 6-year old kids singing and dancing on it. Don't you have a responsibility? It's not fun", added the 65-year-old actress.
The lyrics the actress mentioned are from Kareena Kapoor's item number 'Fevicol se' from the film 'Dabangg 2.
Thus the comment was directed towards her, urging leading heroines to carry out a responsibility in choosing not to dance to item songs which may be impressionable for the youth.