Veteran actor Anupam Kher on Tuesday said that his viewpoint on Kasmiri Pandits or his pro-Prime Minister stand might have forced Pakistan to reject his visa.
"Maybe it has been done due to my point of view on Kashmiri Pandits or my pro-PM stand that my visa has been denied," Kher told ANI.
Kher accused the Pakistan High Commission of lying on the claims that he never applied for visa.
"Technically, they have to say something, if I haven't applied for it then on what basis Karachi Lit Festival had put my name, I didn't tell them to put my name. The Pakistan High Commission is lying, rest of the 17 people got visa only I was denied," he added.
Kher further said that art and culture don't have boundaries.
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"Yesterday Amina, called my manager and apologized for my visa not getting approved," he added.
He further requested the government to take this issue with Pakistan.