Security expert Qamar Agha on Friday said the 'anti-India' resolution passed by Pakistan's Parliament has no meaning, and added the international community understands that Islamabad's main motive is to increase infiltration and destabilize Kashmir.
"This type of resolution has no meaning; they are violating the ceasefire and accusing India of doing so. The international community understands this, they know that their motive is to increase infiltration and destabilize Kashmir," Agha told ANI.
Asserting that India is committed to peace and stability of the region, he said that New Delhi wants peaceful settlement of all disputes with Islamabad.
"Everybody knows that Pakistan is a terrorist state, most of the global terror emanates from Pakistan. The time has come for India to send invoice to different nations explaining our point of view, we should tell the international community what Pakistan is doing at the border," Agha added.
Meanwhile, Wing Commander (Retd.) Praful Bakshi commenting on the issue said there is nothing new in what Pakistan is doing.
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"Pakistan has said nothing new, India is taking correct steps, India has nothing to worry about," he said.
Earlier on Thursday, Pakistan's Parliament unanimously passed a resolution against the alleged 'unprovoked and indiscriminate' ceasefire violations by India and asked the government to seek UN intervention to resolve the Kashmir issue.
The resolution, which was moved by Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz, stated that the National Assembly condemned Indian ceasefire violations at the Line of Control (LoC) and the International Border (IB).