Commenting on developments taking place for India's demand for reform of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), including to secure a permanent seat, one of India's leading experts on security and strategic affairs, Uday Bhaskar, on Saturday said as far as UNSC permanent membership was concerned, it would to be very difficult for India to achieve, though not impossible.
"There are many challenges before India, especially the attitude of China towards Japan and India is not positive, and then, the China-Pakistan bonding, he said.
Bhaskar, however, said the UN accepting the negotiation text was important procedurally, but cautioned that the outcome at the political or substantive level would not be immediate.
"Peacekeeping is another important area, where India and other South Asian countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal are playing a vital role by providing troops, but they don't have any role in decision-making as far as the peacekeeping process is concerned. It is exclusive to the permanent members. Hence, India must strive hard to strengthen its role in such endeavours," said Bhaskar.
"At present, America and China are trying to reach an understanding on various important issues, including climate change and cyber, which will shrink India's diplomatic, political and negotiating spaces, creating a challenging situation for Prime Minister Modi," he added.