The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday lashed out at the TV host Kapil Sharma's tweets claiming to have been asked to pay a 'bribe' to construct his office despite paying his taxes, saying that if someone is paying 15 crores tax in five years, their "achhe din" have already arrived.
While Sharma in his tweet admitted to having paid 15 crores income tax in the last five years, BJP leader, Manoj Tiwari responded strongly to the comedian. "If someone is paying 15 crores tax in five years, their "achhe din" have already arrived. The fact that he is trying to save the bribe mongers by not naming them proves that he doesn't want the society to be a part of "achhe din" as well," Tiwari told ANI.
Tiwari also asserted that this was the era of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Maharashtra Chief Minister Fadnavis and anyone accused of asking for a bribe would have been caught and punished within 24 hours.
"I also see a guilty conscience in his tweets because it could be possible that he paid a bribe and got his office made illegally," added Tiwari.
In another dig at Kapil Sharma, Tiwari said that the Prime Minister of this country paid his kitchen expenses himself and is working day and night to end the corruption while the people who provoked Sharma to tweet were the ones eating snacks worth one crore.
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"We have asked everyone to declare their entire income by 30th September. It is quite possible that he was scared and that's why he started his social media rant," added Tiwari.
Comedian Kapil Sharma has claimed that he was asked to pay a bribe by a BMC official for his new office that is under construction. He has over 6.2 million followers on Twitter and vented his ire on the social media platform. In a tweet tagging the Prime Minister, he lamented that despite paying taxes for the last 15 years, he was expected to cough up a bribe of Rs 5 lakh.
The BMC vigilance chief engineer Manohar Pawar and the Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis have both responded to Sharma and assured that they are looking into the matter.
While Pawar asked Sharma to make a formal complaint and name the officer who demanded bribe from him, the Chief Minister responded to his tweet asking for the name.
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