Former home secretary and BJP MP R.K. Singh on Monday expressed his displeasure regarding former Janata Dal (United) MP Sabir Ali's inclusion in the party, stating that people like him shouldn't be included as they will malign the party's name.
"I agree with the people, who are protesting against his (Ali's) inclusion in the party. Taking in people like him, spoils the party's image and whoever decided to let him in didn't think about party's well-being," Singh told ANI.
"Party's image shouldn't be maligned. Whoever decided to take him in the party didn't do the right thing. This is not a good move for the party," he pointed out.
Branding BJP vice-president Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi's protest as "right", Singh said that the people should check one's background before including him in the party.
Ali, who joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on July 23, had said that he has no complaints with anyone.