Gujarat Chief Minister Anandiben Patel on Sunday said that the people of Maharashtra want a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in the state because the people know that for good things to happen, the state and the central governments should be run by the same party.
She said this while commenting on the BJP's prospects of forming a government in Maharashtra.
"When there was BJP government in Gujarat and UPA government in the center, we know how difficult it had become for the Gujarat Government to work because of the hurdles that UPA had created. That is why for good things to happen, the state and central government should be of the same party and the people know that," Patel said.
"People of Maharashtra want a BJP government in the state, and that is what we are also hoping for. With the BJP government in the center, working towards the development of the state will be easy if people of Maharashtra elect for a BJP government," she added.
Patel is in Mumbai to campaign for BJP ahead of the upcoming Maharashtra Assembly elections.
The elections for 288 seats Maharashtra Assembly are scheduled to be held on October 15.