Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi on Saturday criticized Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, and said that it was people's perseverance and hard work that led to Gujarat's development, and not due to one man who takes credit for everything.
"It was people's sweat that brought development to Gujarat and not due to one man who takes credit for everything," he said while addressing a rally here today.
He further said that the Congress Government brought Right to information (RTI) to the entire nation, and charged Modi for not letting Lokayukta pass in Gujarat for almost nine years.
"Congress brought RTI to the entire nation. Modi did not let Lokayukta pass in Gujarat for nine years. If BJP is really against corruption, why not help the Congress pass the six bills pending in the Parliament?" he questioned.
He also said that the Congress wants to empower everyone, and added that the Gujarat government is run by the rich.
"Congress wants to empower everyone, the tribals, the poor, farmers. We live for the Congress party, for the poor. Corruption is in Gujarat. They do not see corruption in Gujarat. The Gujarat government is run by the rich. All the state government can do is promise to build statues," he said.
"Who fought for the farmers and their land? It was Congress. We helped 14 crore go above poverty line. Congress Government talks of removing poverty but the Gujarat Government talks of removing the poor," he added.