Recently released FICCI study on Spurious/Counterfeit Pesticides in India' suggests that the counterfeit pesticides will reach alarming levels by 2019 if immediate steps are not taken by the Government.
It is estimated that pesticides in India constitute about 30% of the total market, which is increasing at a dangerous pace. Apart from crop loss and damage to soil fertility, use of non-genuine products is also leading to loss of revenue to farmers and the government.
The study conducted by FICCI suggests that incidence of spurious/counterfeit pesticides sector is to the extent of 25% by value and 30% by volume in India. It states that the menace is growing with a pace of 20% per year and if not addressed will reach level of 40% by 2019.
It reveals that regions such as UP, MP, AP, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Haryana, Maharashtra, Karnataka are some of the worst effected states. The reason being overall yield for farmers across the country in case of 25% non-genuine, illegal products prevailing can reduce by 4%. This implies 10.6 million tons of food production loss in the current year.
India's position as one of the leading food grain exporter in the world is fully at stake as the possibility of rumors or sabotage by other countries or rejection of Indian exports food items from developed importing countries would increase. In such a scenario, export of 29 million tons of food grains worth Rs. 1, 578 Billion8 (USD 26 Billion) is at stake.