Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday assured the people of Arunachal Pradesh that they would witness much more progress in the coming five years than they had in the past 28 years.
"I want to assure you that you will witness much more progress in the coming five years than you have seen in the last 28 years," he said while speaking at the 29th Statehood Day celebrations of Arunachal Pradesh here.
Prime Minister Modi said Arunachal Pradesh must progress at a rapid pace so that the entire north-east gets inspiration from it.
"Geographically, Arunachal Pradesh is the biggest state here. The population is low but there is immense strength here," said Prime Minister Modi.
"The more the connectivity of rail, road and air will increase, more this state will be able to contribute in the development of the nation," he added.
Prime Minister Modi had earlier in the day conveyed his greetings to the people of Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh on their Statehood Day.