Prime Minister Narendra Modi while addressing the nation through the 23rd installment of his monthly special-Mann Ki Baat on Sunday, hailed the relentless coaching skills of Pullela Gopichand, which had resulted in bringing out fantastic talents in badminton like Sania Nehwal and P V Sindhu among others.
Ahead of Teacher's Day, Modi said that September 5th is a day of learning, and paid tribute to former president Dr. SRadhakrishnan and congratulated Pullela Gopichand for his achievements in the field of sports.
"For me, 5th September is not only Teacher's Day, but a day of learning as well. I salute Gopichand. He has shown what it is like to be a good teacher. I consider him a better teacher today than a sportsman," said Modi.
Further emphasizing on the role of teachers, Modi added, "Teachers are as important as mothers in our lives., they spend their lives caring for their students."
The tech savvy Prime Minister also encouraged students to share pictures and experiences with their teachers on the NarendraModi app.
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