Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Thursday that he looked forward to sharing his thoughts on the radio tomorrow via the programme, 'Man Ki Baat,' which will be broadcast on the entire All India Radio network at 11 am tomorrow. ooking forward to sharing my thoughts on the radio tomorrow at 11
The broadcast will be carried by AIR in different modes and channels viz. midwave, shortwave, FM network, Vividhbharati and local radio stations, simultaneously and will, thus, be available to 99.2 percent population of India.
Private FM and TV channels will also share this programme. Doordarshan has also been requested to carry audio of this programme with suitable visuals and footages. On the same day, regional versions of this important broadcast will be aired in the regional network of AIR at 8 pm.
This is to ensure dissemination of the massage to the largest possible audience.