Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday met Geeta, a hearing and speech impaired Indian woman who arrived this morning, at his official 7, Race Course Road (RCR) residence here.
Geeta arrived at the Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport, along with five members of the Edhi Foundation, which has been taking care of her during her stay in Pakistan.
She had accidentally strayed into Pakistan at the age of 11 and was handed over to the Edhi Foundation by Police, who found her at Lahore railway station.
The Mahto family from a small village in Bihar was waiting to be reunited with Geeta who they believe is their long-lost daughter Hira.
External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj thanked the Edhi foundation founders Abdul Sattar and Bilquis Edhi for taking care of Geeta and safeguarding her religion.