Rashtriya Janata Dal spokesperson Manoj Jha said on Friday that the war of words over DNA sampling in Bihar would end as soon as Prime Minister Narendra Modi withdraws his 'political DNA' statement.
Janata Dal (United) workers have threatened to send around one lakh DNA samples through their hair and nails to Prime Minister Narendra Modi at his 7 RCR residence to fulfill the promise made by Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar at the Swabhimaan Rally.
Speaking to ANI, Jha said, "It is very unfortunate that the people of Bihar have been insulted and most of them were not our supporters."
Earlier, in a befitting reply to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's DNA jibe, Nitish Kumar had earlier said that the people of his state will be sending samples of their hair and nails to the Prime Minister's Office for a DNA analysis.