Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that when Indians make progress, it also gives an impetus to the development of the world as its growth is linked with the globe.
Addressing the 76th UN General Assembly session here, Prime Minister Modi said that today, every sixth person in the world is an Indian.
“When Indians make progress, it also gives an impetus to the development of the world,” he said while speaking in Hindi.
“When India grows, the world grows. When India reforms. The world transforms,” Modi said.
He said that the science and technology-based innovations taking place in India can make a big contribution to the world.
The scalability of tech solutions and cost effectiveness are both unparalleled. Over 3.5 billion transactions are taking place every month in India through the Unified Payment Interface (UPI), the Prime Minister said.
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“India's vaccine delivery platform CoWIN offers digital support to register the administration of millions of vaccine doses in a single day,” Modi said, adding that India puts into practice the principle of Seva Parmo Dharm (Service is the highest religion).
He said that India today is moving forward on the path of integrated equitable development. “Our priority is that development should be all inclusive, all pervasive, universal and one that nurtures all.
“During the last seven years, India has brought over 430 million people who were previously unbound into the banking system. Today, over 360 million people who earlier could not even imagine this was possible now have insurance coverage as security,” the Prime Minister said.
By giving over 500 million people the facility of free treatment in hospitals, India has given them access to quality health services, he said, adding that by building 30 million proper homes, India has made homeless families homeowners.
Speaking about potable water, he said polluted water is a very big problem not just for India but for the entire world, and in particular for poor and developing countries.
“In order to address this challenge, we in India are carrying out a very big campaign to ensure that piped clean water reaches over 170 million homes, which reputed institutions of the world have said is important for the development of any country,” he said.
People must have property rights to their homes and land with an ownership record are a must in the most developed countries. There are a large number of people who do not have property rights to the land and homes, he said.
“Today, we are using drones in India to map over 600,000 villages. And by doing so we are giving people their digital records of their homes and land. These digital records not only reduce property disputes but also provide people an increased access to credit and bank loans,” Modi added.