Prime Minister Narendra Modi today took a trip down memory lane on the eve of Teacher's Day, saying that he still remembered his teachers and the lessons that they taught him during his childhood.
"I studied in a government school, but I still remember my teachers and the lessons that they taught me," said Prime Minister Modi at an informal interaction held here on the eve of Teacher's Day.
"I had two wishes in my heart when I became the chief minister for the first time. First, was to meet all my childhood friends, whom I called over to my house. My other wish was to invite the teachers who taught me in my childhood. All of them came and I honoured them at a public programme. So, I fulfilled both of my wishes," he added.
Prime Minister Modi also acknowledged the great contribution of teachers in nation-building and asked them to keep reinventing themselves.
"Teachers always want to give something to the new generation, but only those people who are ahead of their times are able to give something to the new generation. If our teachers are not two steps ahead of the times, then the society can never progress," Prime Minister Modi said.
"Only those, who know and try to understand the changing world, can be two steps ahead of the times," he added.
The Prime Minister described the profession of teaching as a "life-long religion" which wasn't a business or a job, and added that teachers never really retire from their jobs.