Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday said that Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) ruled-Chhattisgarh Government has completely failed in dealing with Naxalism, and in utilizing the funds allocated by the central Government for development of the state.
"The BJP Government in Chhattisgarh has completely failed, especially when it comes to dealing with Naxalism. The Darba Ghati Naxal attack on our leaders cannot demoralize us. Chhattisgarh is not well developed because of the BJP state government. They did not make proper use of Central funds. They are the sole reason why Chhattisgarh has not developed despite of all efforts from the Centre," he said while addressing a rally here in the poll-bound state.
Some BJP leaders are even now changing history and geography of the country. By making big speeches from big stages they wont come to power. BJP's Chhattisgarh Government talks highly of its Public Distribution System (PDS) system, but 90 percent of the funds for it come from the Centre," he added.
He further said that there has been a lot of development under the UPA Government.
"We can proudly say that in last nine years, the development, which has happened under UPA, is greater than ever before. Six news AIIMS were opened in India, including one in Raipur also," he added.
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