The Dehradun Police on Thursday said that the condition of police horse 'Shaktiman', who was allegedly injured by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Ganesh Joshi during a protest march, has deteriorated.
"Condition of injured Police Horse 'Shaktimaan' has deteriorated," Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Sadanand Date told ANI.
Meanwhile, expressing concern over the recovery of 'Shaktiman', Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat has assured that best possible treatment would be given to the ailing police horse.
Earlier, Joshi visited the injured animal and said that the horse needs better treatment and must be send to the national capital in that regard.
Speaking to ANI after meeting 'Shaktimaan', Joshi said that he and his delegation came to meet the horse out of humanity and reiterated that he was not guilty of hurting the animal.
The Dehradun Police on Sunday registered a case against Joshi for beating a police horse, reportedly breaking one of its legs, during a protest against Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat on Monday for "misuse" of funds.