Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Tuesday said that persons allegedly impersonating local candidates in a police recruitment examination in Kangra district have been sent to jail and the examination has been cancelled.
"As soon as it came to our knowledge, we ordered the cancellation of the examination. The accused are in jail," said Thakur.
The chief minister said that absconders will not be spared. "We are preparing to end the racket once and for all," he added.
Thirteen people, who were arrested in connection with the police recruitment racket case, were on Monday sent to police custody till August 16. They were presented in court on August 12.
"Four specially fabricated vests with wiring, mobile devices and earpieces have been seized so far. One Haryana registered four-wheeler has been seized. Contact is being established with the concerned police authorities in Haryana, UP and Rajasthan to ascertain the credentials of the accused," police said in a statement.
A case was registered against them under section 419 (cheating by impersonation) and 420 (cheating and dishonestly) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) at Bhawarna police station.
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