In yet another controversial statement, prominent Japanese politician Toru Hashimoto said that the 'comfort women system' in Japan during the second world war was necessary, as soldiers who were risking their lives needed to take 'rest'.
Hashimoto in his earlier statements said that Japan needed 'dictatorship'. As per his latest statement, in a war situation where the soldiers are running the risk of losing their lives, a 'comfort women system' for them to have 'rest' is necessary, reports the BBC.
It has been estimated that 2,00,000 women from territories occupied by Japan were forced into sex slavery for troops during wartime.
The women who were forced into becoming sex slaves for the troops need to be offered 'kind words', and that Japan was not the only country to use the system, the leader claimed.
Japan's treatment of its wartime role has been a frequent source of tension with its neighbours. The leader acknowledged that the tragedy of war resulted in the women acting against their will, the responsibility of which lies with Japan, added the report.