Union Minister Prakash Javadekar on Thursday said that he has interacted with 400 officers from the Department of Heavy Industry, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting through an audio bridge and told them to "stay positive."
"Interacted with 400 officers of my 3 ministries - @moefcc, @MIB_India & @heindustry- together through Audio Bridge. Told them to 'stay positive' 'stay home' 'stay engaged' and 'stay happy'. To that end I suggested many activities also," said Javadekar in a tweet.
"I am very sure that because of the lockdown announced by the Prime Minister and followed by people of India, it will have a positive impact and we can fight against coronavirus only through this joint action -- stay at home, keep social distancing, wash your hands regularly and if you find any symptoms, immediately visit doctor," Javadekar had said on Wednesday.
According to the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the total number of positive coronavirus cases in the country now stands at 649, including 593 active cases.
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