Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh on Tuesday said that preparations for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the state are almost complete, with security agencies on high alert to prevent any untoward incident from taking place.
"We are doing arrangements for around one lakh people. The route plan of the Prime Minister is almost finalised. There will be around 100 gates for people's entry and exit, and parking spots are also being finalised," Raman Singh told the media.
"The preparations for the Prime Minister's Dantewada visit are almost complete. Security arrangements will also be done," he added.
Prime Minister Modi, who will visit the Maoist-infested Bastar division of south Chhattisgarh later this week, is expected to launch a steel plant in Dantewada and an extension of the Rowghat-Jagdalpur railway line.
The Prime Minister will also visit Raipur during his trip.