Bharatiya Janata Party's candidate from Amethi Smriti Irani on Wednesday described as audacious Priyanka Vadra's secretary Preeti Sahay's presence in the polling booth area without authorisation, when voting was underway.
Irani asked: "What right does Priyanka Vadra's secretary have to go inside the polling booth? When we asked for her authority letter, she (Preeti Sahay) just walked away. EC can check their cameras here."
"Its easy to give lectures on "neech rajniti", but what is it that they are doing here? Intimidating or influencing voters?" Irani retorted on Priyanka Gandhi Vadra's comment when she said that the people of Amethi will not forgive the BJP for its 'low-level politics'.
Irani further stated that the "Congress desperation and frustration is clearly evident.