Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Monday said the second quarter figures gives a sense of satisfaction, as manufacturing and the services sector figures are quite encouraging.
"The Q2 figures give us a sense of satisfaction because despite the fact that the global situation is adverse and rain god have not been kind to us for two consecutive years which is normally a rare thing to happen. On the strength of manufacturing and services, the GDP has grown and both the manufacturing figure and the services figure appears to be quite encouraging. And this year will be certainly better then the last year," Jaitley told the media here.
Jaitley who was attending the formal contract agreement signing ceremony for the two Rs.40,000 crores High Horse Power best-in-class modern locomotive Joint Venture factory projects (Electric Locomotive Factory at Madhepura and Diesel Locomotive Factory at Marhowra - Bihar) said such investment is good news for India.
"Eastern states of India have a lot of potential to grow and eastern states did not had the same kind of benefits of liberalization process, as had been there in other parts of the country. Therefore such a major manufacturing investment in two different districts coming into Bihar is good news for Bihar, is good news for India," Jaitley said while speaking to reporters after the event.