Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Tuesday said the depiction of the 'common man' in cartoons by eminent cartoonist R K Laxman, who passed away in Pune last night, will continue to be a guide for each political regime.
"It is indeed a very said moment that R K Laxman has passed away. He was not just a cartoonist, but he always had something to say through his cartoons. His demise has created a void. Although he has passed away, the common man that he had created will always will live forever and will be a guidance force for any political regime. We would like to create a memorial for R K Laxman. I pay my homage to him," said Fadnavis.
Earlier today, the body of R K Laxman was placed near the 'common man' statue at the Symbiosis Institute, with the funeral scheduled to be held at the Vaikunth Crematorium in Pune.
Fadnavis is expected to pay homage to Laxman. Shiv Sena president Uddhav Thackeray, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief and cartoonist Raj Thackeray, and many other political leaders and eminent personalities from the fields of art and literature are also reaching Pune to pay their respects.
The legendary cartoonist, who immortalized the hapless 'Common Man' with his devastating swipes at politicians, passed away on Monday at a city hospital after suffering multi-organ failure.