Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP R.K. Singh on Thursday said Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry's remark that RAW was involved in different acts of terrorism in his country is ludicrous and added that the recent terror attack in Karachi was the repercussion of hosting terror groups.
"This statement is totally ludicrous and ridiculous. Basically, the Foreign Secretary of Pakistan is trying to divert national attention to the situation in his country. The situation in Pakistan today is really bad. This is what comes of giving shelter to terrorist groups on your territory," he said.
The former home secretary alleged that Pakistan has been giving shelter to a wide variety of terrorist groups.
"They have been hosting terrorist groups for attacking Afghanistan, they have been hosting terrorist groups for attacking India. The culprits of 9/11 also had Pakistan past. This is what happens if you
host terrorist groups on your territory, some of them will turn against you," he added.
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The Pakistan Foreign Secretary has told the media in Islamabad that two persons recently arrested in Karachi confessed to having received training for militancy from the Indian spy agency RAW.
Chaudhry said that if RAW was found involved in the massacre of Ismailis then Pakistan would take up the issue in all international forums.
He also said the involvement of Islamic State cannot be established on the basis of a pamphlet purportedly left by the attackers at the site of the attack.
According to reports, the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the Karachi bus attack in which 43 Shiites were killed.