Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi on Saturday mocked Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, and said that a person who deceives everyone cannot be respected.
"The entire India does some work. Some make tea, some drive taxi's, some are farmers. We need to respect everyone. But a person who makes a fool of us, they need not be respected," he said while addressing a rally here today.
He further accused the Gujarat Government for only working for the privileged people.
"Modi ji speaks whatever comes to his mind, even if it's not true. 13000 government schools were shut down in Gujarat, but this is never mentioned anywhere. What is the use of development, if the poor and the adivasis are left out? 55,000 small businesses were shut, I ask why? Gujarat Government only works for the privileged," he said.
He also taunted Modi, and said that he wants to make a statue of Sardar Patel without having any idea about his ideology.
"The netas here talks about Sardar Patel, and say a statue will be made. But they don't read history. They have no understanding of Sardar Patel's ideologies, but they say they want to make a statue. Sardar Patel said that RSS is a poisonous entity. The RSS ideology was behind Mahatma Gandhi's murder. Modi ji just wants to make a statue without any idea of his ideology," he added.