Bharatiya Janata Party spokesperson S. Prakash on Wednesday urged Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi to at least be more dignified when criticising Prime Minister Narendra Modi and avoid unfortunate remarks like 'Fair and Lovely' and 'Suit-Boot Ki Sarkar' when addressing rallies across the nation.
"Mr. Rahul Gandhi should realise that he is the vice president of a century-old-political party, and therefore, his discourse or criticism of the Prime Minister should have dignity and decorum of the post he is holding. It is very unfortunate that his comments like 'Fair And Lovely' And 'Suit-Boot Ki Sarkar' are all repeated," Prakash told ANI.
Speaking in the Lok Sabha, Gandhi had said: "In March, Modi Ji 'Fair and Lovely Yojna': Nobody who has black money will be jailed under Modi's 'Fair and Lovely' scheme. All those who have black money can make it white under this scheme. April 2015 - Suit-Boot Sarkar: The Acche Din government, they call themselves that has failed the country. Yours is a government of big people, a suit-boot sarkar.
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