Praising Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi for spearheading developmental works in Assam, Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday said the state is enjoying a period of peace, amity, friendship and can look forward to a golden future, because of his devotion to public service.
Addressing a rally here, Gandhi said, "Fifteen years ago, I remember, people saw blood and tears and the youth of the state had no future. When people talked about Assam, they talked about violence, misery and anger. But today, the state has peace, amity, friendship and a golden future."
"The people of the state, the Congress Party and Tarun Gogoi fought against violence, miseries and anger, and restored peace," he added.
"Whenever I speak to Gogoi ji, he informs me about Assam's problems and difficulties, about the women of the state. He also informs me what he has done for the women and the youth, said Rahul, adding that Assam lives in his heart. "He is from Assam, and has devoted his life for the state, and has worked for you."
"He has worked for education and opened 15 engineering colleges; he has worked for health and opened medical colleges; gave employment to more than four-lakh youth; and increased the income of all Assamese people," said Rahul.
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"The Assam Government got an award for infrastructural development, including construction of bridges," he said, adding that the Congress Party and Gogoi always remain eager to help the poor, farmers and labourers.
Before addressing the rally, Gandhi took part in a padyatra along with several senior party leaders for six kilometres from Rang Ghar to Darbar Field.
He also interacted with prominent citizens.
Condemning the attack on journalists outside the Patiala House Court premises in the national capital on Monday, Gandhi alleged that the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) was trying to crush the opinion of the people.
He said that the Congress Party would not accept it and would fight this out.
"The RSS backed people are being appointed as vice-chancellors in the universities and the voices of the students are being gagged. They are suppressing the voice of the Indian students whether in Delhi, Hyderabad, Lucknow and in all the universities across the country. We will not accept this, we will fight against this," Gandhi told the media on the sidelines of his public rally here.