Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Rajnath Singh on Saturday filed his nomination papers in Lucknow. He stated that he was lucky to contest from Lucknow and castigated Congress, labeling it the biggest communal party.
The BJP president said he was thankful to the people of Lucknow for giving him an opportunity to contest from the city, and went on to add that as far as the development of Lucknow is concerned, he had chalked out a blueprint himself, during his chief ministership, to develop Lucknow, which was declared in the presence of former prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee.
Commenting on the Cobrapost sting operation, Singh, lashing out at the Congress, said it was the biggest communal party in the country and did not possess the skill to ensure communal amity across the nation.
"If there is any communal party present in this country, then it is none other than the Congress. Ruling the country for more than five decades out of the nation's 67 years of independence, successive Congress governments have failed to either establish social harmony or communal harmony. I want to ask why such things (the Babri sting operation) come up during elections, when the matter is sub-judice, the case is still going on in court, the CBI has also investigated the matter. We are not going to follow as to what the Congress' investigative agency says," Singh said.
Earlier yesterday an elaborate sting operation, conducted by Cobrapost on 23 key people of the Ram Janambhoomi movement, claimed that fall of the disputed 16th century structure on December 6, 1992, was elaborately planned by the various wings of the Sangh parivar and executed with precision by trained volunteers. It wasn't, as it is claimed, a case of mob frenzy going out of control, leading to the collapse of the Babri Masjid.