Condemning the tragic death of two Dalit children in Ballabhgarh yesterday, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Wednesday said that he has spoken to the Chief Minister of Haryana Manohar Lal Khattar to take stock of the Faridabad incident.
"Such incidents (Ballabhgarh incident) are very unfortunate and condemnable. This should not have happened. I had a word with the chief Minister of Haryana and even the Chief Minister of Punjab," Singh told the media here.
A Dalit family of four, including two children, was set afire inside their house allegedly by members of the Rajput community in Sun Perh village in Ballabhgarh, Faridabad District of Haryana, early on Tuesday.
The deceased Vaibhav (2 years) and Divya (10 months) died before reaching the Safdarjung Hospital in Delhi.
Their mother Rekha (22) was admitted to the ICU with serious burns while her husband Jitender (26), a medical attendant at a hospital, escaped with minor burns on his hands.
According to the police, the attack was an act of vengeance that stemmed from a year-long feud between the two communities.