Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh on Friday said the government would bear the entire expense of the treatment of the youth who attempted suicide outside the Chief Minister's residence yesterday.
The Chief Minister who met the victim, Yogesh Kumar Sahu, a resident of Raipur's Urla area, at Kalra Nurshing Home said, "Yesterday (Thursday) a youth, Yogesh, tried to commit suicide. He attempted suicide outside the CM House after meeting and handing over his application to MLAs and 'jan pratinidhis' (people's representatives)."
"Today, I met him at Kalra Nurshing Home and took stock of his health from doctors. I also spoke to him personally and assured his family members that the government will bear the entire cost of his treatment, and they will also be provided with financial help."
The Chief Minister told ANI that as the incident happened accidently, he was also repenting his action. "We wish him speedy recovery," he added.
The Chief Minister further said he also met with a patient there who was returning home after successful treatment of 90 percent burn injury. "That is why, we hope that the suicide victim, who has 70 percent burn injury, will recover soon," hoped Singh.
Meanwhile, the condition of the victim, who tried to immolate himself by pouring kerosene, is said to be stable.