The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has said that Congress MP Rao Birendra Singh's statement that a Rajya Sabha seat can be bought is a 'tacit' admission of Congress corruption.
"The statement by Birender Singh is a tacit admission that in the Congress they are selling tickets for elections, and, as we know, Congress is synonymous with corruption. So, when they are indulging in corruption in each and everything, they are indulging in corruption in ticket distribution of their own party also. What people already know has come to light through this admission by Birender Singh" said BJP spokesperson Prakash Javadekar here today.
"A Rajya Sabha MP told me that he had a budget of Rs 100 crore to get into the Rajya Sabha. If people like this come into the Rajya Sabha, I am sure they won't do much for the poor," Rao Birendra Singh had said, while addressing a gathering in Jind, Haryana.
Singh later retracted his statement saying what he meant was that people with monetary power were now making a mark in the political sphere of the country.
"Whatever is appearing on TV is entirely a wrong version of what I said. I said that after the results of the Lok Sabha elections 2009, there were crorepati MPs. I said that money power is becoming more important," he later claimed.