Janata Dal (United) leader Ali Anwar on Wednesday condemned the Faridabad incident, in which two children of a Dalit family were allegedly burnt alive by upper-caste Rajputs, saying that the 'jungle raj' was in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-ruled states and not in Bihar
"The Prime Minister and Amit Shah talk so much about jungle raj in Bihar, but look what is happening in Haryana. Two children have died and we hope that their mother survives. They talk about jungle raj in Bihar, but the real jungle raj is in states ruled by the BJP," Anwar told ANI.
Meanwhile, Congress leader Rashid Alvi dubbed the incident as 'unfortunate' and called for strict action against the perpetrators.
"The law and order situation in Haryana is deteriorating. The Chief Minister of the state is so busy with communal activities that he does not have time to look into these matters. Whatever happened to that family is very unfortunate. The culprits have not been arrested so far, they should be nabbed at the earliest. Action should be taken against the policemen responsible for their protection," Alvi told ANI.
Tension gripped the locality yesterday after the incident.
The mother of the children is battling for life at Delhi's Safdarjung Hospital.
Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh has sought a report from the state's Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on the incident.