The Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) on Friday said the real test of the Delhi Government's Odd-Even vehicle rationing formula to reduce pollution in the national capital would be assessed next week.
"Without giving a proper thought and without micro-detailing, they have implemented this Odd-Even formula and it is too early to comment whether it is a success. Although, Mr.Kejriwal has already taken credit and termed the Odd-Even scheme a success, but I think the real acid test will come next week from Monday to Friday," Delhi BJP president Satish Upadhyay told ANI here.
"There are so many flaws in this Odd-Even formula. Pollution is a serious problem, but they should have discussed with all the political parties," Upadhyay added.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had earlier said he was overwhelmed by the response he has received so far in the implementation of Odd-Even scheme.
The odd-even scheme for cars to curb vehicular pollution in the national capital came into effect this morning.
For 15 days from today, private vehicles will be allowed only on alternate days in a big step to clean up the world's most polluted capital. Only odd-numbered cars are allowed on the roads today.
Those found violating the rule will be fined Rs. 2,000.