Union Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Thursday said that the recent rise in LPG prices is due to "global reasons"."This month, prices have increased due to global reasons, LPG prices probably will witness a decline in next month," Pradhan told ANI here.
The minister made the remarks in reference to the recently announced cooking gas price hike by a whopping Rs 140 per cylinder during his two-day visit to Chhattisgarh.
As per the schedule, after reaching Raipur, Pradhan will leave for Bhilai Steel Plant to review the plan on expansion with officials.
On Friday, the union minister will visit Dalli Rajhara to lay the foundation of the beneficiation of the plant. Union Minister of State for Steel, Faggan Singh Kulaste, will also attend the programme.
Earlier, Pradhan had reiterated that the hike in LPG prices is not in his hand.
"Hike in LPG prices depends on global markets and consumption. Energy is a global commodity which sometimes goes up and sometimes goes down. It is not in my hand," he had told ANI.
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