Russell Brand will apparently pen down a book on how to fix society and bring down the government.
Publisher Century, which has just acquired the as-yet-untitled volume, said that book would tackle Brand's views on "ecology, inequality, rioting, financial meltdown and the total mistrust of politicians", the Guardian reported.
The Brit Comedian said that in this book he will explain people how to bring down the government and establish a personal and global utopia and having accrued the greatest wisdom known to man (by conducting interviews, watching DVDs, reading books, thinking and looking at the sky) the 38-year-old will be able to put in a simple, accessible book(y wook) the solution to internal and external turmoil.
Editor Ben Dunn, who bought his book said that he has been avidly following Brand's writing and standup and have been inspired by his passionate call to arms and the next book will be the massive extension of the previous one.