Railways Minister Sadananda Gowda on Monday launched Social Media Platform for the Indian Railways which includes launching of both Twitter and Facebook.
Addressing a gathering on the occasion, Gowda said that the Rail Ministry is connecting today its presence on the social media as well as a call in number to listen to important announcement starting with the budget.
"This unique 360 degree platform will help Indian Railways to listen, and gauge valuable feedback from its fellow travelers," said Gowda.
He said that the use of social media has been the forte of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi led NDA Government that leads to transparency and quick information dissemination.
The Minister of State for Railways, Manoj Sinha said that the Indian Railways is on a transformative journey and it looks forward to using social media as a platform to tell its stories and constantly hear from fellow travellers.
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Sinha said that the ministry believes that Indian Railways serves the whole breadth and diverse cross section of Indians with or without internet connection. Being a progressive and transparent institution we are delighted to extend its presence on social media.
Railway Board Chairman Arunendra Kumar said that the Indian Railways is at the fore front of technology. And the new initiative of social media will add to its technology development.
To catch the Railway Budget 2014 Live one can log on www.facebook.com/RailMinindia or www.twitter.com/RailMinindia or www.youtube.com/user/RailMinindia or listen live on 022-4501-5555 on July 8.
These accounts can be accessed through the website of Ministry of Railways namely, www.indianrailways.gov.in. These accounts will remain activated from July 8 onwards.