The big hope is for a possible change in income tax slabs, which has not undergone a change in significant terms for the past several years. Cheap home loans, easy investment plans, relief in the tax slab are also being expected.
Informed sources told this correspondent that the salaried class is expecting a tax exemption limit in the region of Rs 3 lakh per year, besides other friendly amendments to the tax slab.
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A majority of people relate exemption in tax limit to inflation, which means more the inflation, more the exemption limit.
According to the employees, the leave travel allowance discount that is currently given twice in four years should be enhanced. There is also a demand for raising the tax exemption limit to Rs. 10 lakh.
According to Section 80C of the Income Tax Act 1960, there is a proposal to end tax exemption limits. As per the Act, the tax exemption limit is currently around Rs.1.5 lakh.
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There is also hope that the House Rent Allowance (HRA) will be increased. Salaried persons who get a lump sum amount without an HRA component can claim a maximum (additional) deduction of Rs 2000 per month under Section 80 GG.
If the limit in investment is removed, then people will able to save more, as circulation of liquid cash will be more and would help the government in the long run.
It is a given that the general public needs simple investment options.
Other expectations include discount for investment in infrastructure bonds; a improved national pension scheme; fix deposits for three years; exempting children's education allowance of Rs 100 per month and hostel allowance of Rs 300 per month from tax. People are now expecting these limits to be increased to at least Rs 1000 and Rs 3500 per month.
The salaried class is also expecting a transport allowance hike from the present limit of Rs 1600 per month to at least Rs 3000 per month.
There could be reduction in stamp duty and registration costs to aid the common man in affordable housing.