If the government in Uttar Pradesh continues to put up a good performance, the Samajwadi Party, which heads it, would do well in the 2014 general elections, maintained Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav on Sunday.
"Samajwadi Party is an ideology-based party. The party has a strong organisation structure. The party has done good work after coming to power. I feel the performance of the government will be the basis to show our strength in the next Lok Sabha elections," Yadav told media persons here on the sidelines of the national executive meeting of All India Yadav Mahasabha, where he was the chief guest.
"Whoever gets a big number (of seats), they will be able to form the government in the future elections. Without winning a good number of seats, nobody can do anything," he said.
Akhilesh further claimed that his government is taking tough measures to ensure that law and order is maintained in Uttar Pradesh, and added that efforts are also on for the further speedy development of Lucknow by setting up hospitals, constructing roads and trying to get a metro rail in the city.
He described his attendance at the Yadav Mahasabha as an opportunity to meet people.