Film Maker Arpana Sen said here on Monday that she will co-operate with the probe in the Saradha Chit Fund scam.
The statement came post five hours of questioning by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) which had summoned her earlier today in connection with her alleged role in the scam.
Sen said that because she had worked for Saradha for few days, which was why she was called for the interrogation and she is ready to cooperate with the probe.
"As I have worked for few days with the Parama magazine as the editor, so they have asked me about the money that has been given and taken. I said that I do not know about these things because I was never involved in these things. I told them that I will cooperate in everything and even I want that the culprits be punished," said Sen.
The Kolkata-based Saradha Group, ponzi scheme had over 10,000 registered chit funds across the country and with an aggregate turnover of Rs.30, 000 crore per annum.
The Saradha Group is said to have defrauded thousands of investors, including poor people, in West Bengal, leading to the arrest of its owner Sudipta Sen.
The industry is governed by Chit Fund Act 40/1982 and is regulated by state governments with their own set of rules. Reserve Bank of India is the principal regulator and at the state level Registrar of Chits/The Inspector General of Registration oversees these regulations.