Former Finance Minister P. Chidambaram's wife, Nalini Chidamabaram, was examined over the weekend by the Central Bureau of Investigation in connection with the alleged multi-crore Saradha chit fund scam, though sources close to her refuted such a development as having taken place.
Official sources are being quoted, as saying that the CBI examined Nalini Chidambaram, a Supreme Court lawyer in Chennai in connection with the legal fees paid to her by the Saradha Group,
The sources said Saradha Chairman Sudipta Sen, at present in jail, had mentioned about hiring Nalini Chidambaram as a lawyer at the request of Manoranjana Sinh, the estranged wife of Congress leader Mantang Sinh.
Sen has claimed that he had paid Rs.1 crore to Chidambaram as her legal fee.